Wheelchair Mounts for AAC & Speech Devices

Introduction to Device Attachment

Device Plate Graph

The Mount’n Mover readily attaches to:

  • Speech devices (Tobii Dynavox, PRC, Saltillo, Jabbla, ProxTalker and more)
  • Laptops
  • iPads and e-Readers (uses a tray)
  • Phones
  • Cameras
  • Trays
  • Whatever you’d like—provided it is less than 15 pounds 

To attach your device to the Mount'n Mover system, you will need to determine how your device can attach to the Quick Release Plate (QRP).

Some devices attach directly to the QRP and others require an additional attachment plate.

Device plates are sorted by communication device manufacturer.
See the listing below for instructions for a particular device.

Mounting options

Brandsort descending Model Recommended QRP device plates Installation
Abillia Rolltalk
Abillia Rolltalk intelligaze
AMDI AMDI iAdapter
APH for the Blind Lightbox
Control Bionics Neuronode Trilogy
EYEGAZE INC Eyegaze Edge
Eyetech EyeOn
Forbes Proslate 8, 10, 13
Forbes Winslate 12D Enable Eyes, Winslate 11, 12
Inclusive TLC Skyle
Jabbla Vibe12
Jabbla tellus
Jabbla mobi2
Jabbla Mobi 3
Lingraphica TouchTalk
Lingraphica MiniTalk
Lingraphica AllTalk
PRC - Saltillo Nova Chat 8
PRC - Saltillo Nova Chat 12
PRC - Saltillo Via Pro 11
PRC - Saltillo Touch Chat Express
PRC - Saltillo Prio Mini
PRC - Saltillo Nova Chat 10
PRC - Saltillo VersaWrap
Prentke Romich Accent 700
Prentke Romich Accent 800
Prentke Romich Accent 1400 with Look Eye Tracking Module
Prentke Romich Accent 1000
Prentke Romich Accent 1200
Prentke Romich Accent 1400
RM Speech Getac Rx10
Smartbox Touch Pad
Smartbox Grid Pad 15
Smartbox Talk Pad
Smartbox Grid Pad 12
Smartbox Grid Pad 10
Talk to Me Technologies Eyespeak 18
Talk to Me Technologies Wego 13
Talk to Me Technologies Wego 10
Talk to Me Technologies Zuvo 16 D
Talk to Me Technologies Eyespeak 16
Talk to Me Technologies Zuvo 12
Talk to Me Technologies Zuvo 18
Talk to Me Technologies Eyespeak 12
Tobii Dynavox I-series (I-13 and I-16 to Easy Mover with Quick Connect Receiver)
Tobii Dynavox c8
Tobii Dynavox p10
Tobii Dynavox T15
Tobii Dynavox eyemobile
Tobii Dynavox DV4
Tobii Dynavox s32
Tobii Dynavox Eyemobile Mini Bracket
Tobii Dynavox MT4
Tobii Dynavox T10
Tobii Dynavox Eyemax
Tobii Dynavox TD Pilot
Tobii Dynavox SC Tablet
Tobii Dynavox Indi
Tobii Dynavox i-series: i-15
Tobii Dynavox SC Tablet Pro
Tobii Dynavox i-110
Tobii Dynavox i series i-12
Tobii Dynavox EM-12 with EyeMobile Plus
Tobii Dynavox c15
Tobii Dynavox c15 cEye
Tobii Dynavox i-series ( i-13 & i-16 )
Tobii Dynavox c12

Trays to support Tablet and Laptop-based communication systems

Attach a device plate to the Quick Release Plate

Attaching a plate to a Quick Release Plate diagram

Device Attachment Accessories

Accessories to provide better positioning of speech devices.

Universal Rotator
Consider a Universal Rotator if you need to rotate the device to accommodate a person’s head tilt
Stand + 90 overhead
Consider a Stand+90 if you need to have a device downward-facing
The camera attachment allows you to securely use your favorite point and shoot camera